Monday, October 29, 2012

Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.  The class was asked to share their thoughts on bullying by answering these three questions: "What is bullying?, Why is bullying wrong?, and How can we help stop bullying from happening?".  Check out our student avatar, created at,  to see what the class is saying about bullying!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Important Reminders

Just a few important reminders for our parents and students.  First term report cards will be sent home with students on Monday, so don't forget to check those backpacks!  Also, Parent Teacher Conferences are on November 15, 2012.  Don't forget to call the main office at 833 - 1010 to make your appointment with us.

Elections are are coming up fast!  The Hayes Transitions class will be volunteering at the polls on November 6, 2012.  Permission slips will be sent home next week.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

End of the 1st Quarter

Wow! We can hardly believe the first 9 weeks are over! This quarter has really flown by because we have been so busy here in the Transition Room!  To sum up the quarter, we spent a lot of time today cleaning, cooking, and starting a recycling program in our room.  We continued learning about recycling and ways to help keep the environment clean and healthy.  Mrs. F made a trip over to the City Hall and brought back recycling bins for our classroom.  Did you know you if live in the Delaware City area, your family can get recycling bins for curbside pick-up for free?  It's true, just head over to the Delaware City Hall building.

Today, the students were given a cooking assessment to see how well they could make a meal with only written directions.  Each student made their own egg sandwich by cooking eggs in the microwave.    Then adding the egg to toasted English muffins. Yum!  They also worked with a partner to create a delicious pitcher full of mixed berry smoothies.  The smoothies were fantastic and we had lots left over so we made a trip to the main office and guidance office to share our goodies.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hayes Transition Students Have A LOT to Say!

The coolest thing happened today! 

 As we were showing the class the pictures on the blog from our trip to the Rumpke Recycling Center, someone in the class asked "How did you make the blog?" That one question sparked a fire in the all of the students. We asked how many of them would like to have a blog of their own and EVERYONE raised their hands! And that was all it took to get the ball rolling! 

 The students in our class spent the afternoon creating their own blogs on the topic of their choice. They have a lot of different interests and a lot to say to the world! We have blogs on technology, bowling, skateboarding, games, horses, superheroes, and just life as a teenager in general! If you have time, check out our students' blogs on the left. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we will!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Rumpke Recycling Trip

What an amazing and busy day we had today! Our class made three exciting stops on our field trip. First, we stopped at Miller's Country Gardens to purchase pumpkins to decorate for Hayes' Haunt the Halls community event on October 27th. Students picked out their perfect pumpkin, weighed their pumpkin, and used a calculator to estimate the cost of the pumpkin. Each student had to determine how much their pumpkin would cost by multiplying the cost, $0.29 per pound, by the weight of their perfect pumpkin.

After leaving Miller's, we headed down to Columbus to visit the Rumpke Recycling Plant. Talk about a cool place to visit! We were met by the Rumpke staff and given a tour of the recycling facility as well as had an opportunity to learn a little more about recycling and ask questions. Did you know that it takes about 60 days for a recycled soda can to go from your curb to back to the store shelf? BUT ... when you throw your empty soda can in the trash, it takes over 500 years for it to decompose in a landfill. We are planning to use our new knowledge of recycling to encourage the students and staff at Hayes to start recycling more at school! 

Then we headed over to McDonald's, where each student was able to pick out their own lunch, order their lunch, and pay for their lunch independently. They did awesome and we were all stuffed and worn out by the time we made our way back to Hayes!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Homecoming with Hayes Transitions

The Homecoming Dance

We had a blast at the homecoming dance tonight!  Everyone looked so fantastic ... even the teachers! ;) It was awesome watching our students show off their moves on the dance floor.  

Thanks to everyone that came out to help make tonight such a wonderful and memorable evening for our students and teachers!

Friday, October 12, 2012


The homecoming dance is tomorrow night!  We will be meeting in the Hayes Transition classroom at 6:30 to do hair, makeup, eat pizza, and take pictures before heading to the dance in the Gym!  We already have tickets for all of our students that said they were coming!  Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. Friedrich, and Ms. Emily will be here from 6:30pm - 9:30pm to provide supervision for our dance goers.

We can’t wait to see all of our ladies and gentlemen dressed up and ready to dance the night away!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Rumpke Recycling Center Field Trip

Next Monday, 10/15/2012, is our field trip to Miller's Gardens and the Rumpke Recycling Center.  We will leave Hayes around 9:30 am and return by 2:00 pm.   Students were given Field Trip Permission Slips today to have signed by their teachers and parents.  Please return the forms to Mrs. McCoy or Mrs. Friedrich ASAP!  For your convenience, a click the link in the comment box to obtain an additional copy of the Pre-Arranged Absence Form.  The form is to be turned in no later than Friday, 10/12/2012.  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Homecoming Week

The Hayes Transitions students and staff are so excited to dance the night away at the Homecoming dance this Saturday!  We will be meeting in the classroom prior to the dance to primp, eat some pizza, and have a little pre-homecoming fun!  Did you know that Mrs. Friedrich, Mrs. McCoy, and Ms. Emily are also certified cosmetologists on the side?  Well, maybe not, but we will be doing hair and makeup for all of our ladies that want a look that is a little extra special Saturday evening!  

This week we will get pumped up for the dance with an assortment of homecoming festivities!  Don't forget to dress up each day of this week:

Monday - CLASS COLOR DAY ~ dress in your class color!
Tuesday - TWIN DAY ~ dress up exactly like your best friend!
Wednesday - SUPERHERO DAY ~ dress up as your favorite superhero!
Thursday - THROWBACK DAY ~ dress in clothes from your favorite decade!
Friday - ORANGE AND BLACK DAY ~ show your Pacer Pride and wear Hayes colors!

Congratulations Cheryl, a peer mentor in our classroom, on being nominated to the Senior Homecoming Court!  You have our vote! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The smell of apple butter is in the air at Hayes...

This week our students welcomed in the fall season!  We spent time completing an apple butter math activity that required students to use their knowledge of fractions, decimals, and percents to answer questions as they cut apples into 32 small slices.  Students were able to tell us that one whole apple was equal to 100% and after they cut their apples down the middle, we discussed that one piece of the apple was the 
equivalent to 1/2, .5, 50% and the term half.  Students explored the idea of fractions, decimals, and percents and applied their understanding of the concepts to even the tiniest apple slices made for the apple butter!

And... if you have homemade apple butter, you must also have homemade bread!  Of course, everything in our room has an purpose and it is not just to put delicious food into our bellies.  Our students were put to the challenge!  We required them to take a recipe for homemade bread and cut the recipe in half before they were able to begin measuring, mixing, kneading, and baking.  They did a great job too!  We were so impressed with how our morning group really worked as a team to problem solve and help each other.

Check out our final products!  Makes your mouth water, doesn't it?

Delaware County Fair