Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome Back!

We have had a fantastic start to the 2013 - 2014 school year! The students jumped back into the swing of things like we had never left for break.  We wanted to share a few reminders with students and parents:

1.  Seniors were given their Jostens packets with information about ordering caps, gowns, graduation announcements, and senior novelty items.  Jostens will be back on September 28, 2013 to collect orders and down payments.  Ask your student for their packet tonight!

2.  Picture day is Thursday, August 22, 2013.  Order forms were sent home earlier this week.  All students must have their picture taken, but it is not necessary to purchase a picture package.

3.  Open House is Thursday, August 27, 2013 at 6:30 pm.  Stop in to visit us and meet the new administrators!

We are looking forward to a great year!

Friday, April 26, 2013


Yesterday in the Hayes Transitions class, we were lucky enough to have a representative from the Delaware Area Transit Agency come in to do a presentation on using the Data Bus to travel around Delaware County using demand response and fixed routes.  Did you know you can take a bus ride to any location in Delaware County for only 50 cents?  Wow!  What an economical way to travel!

Parents, FREE individualized travel training is available for your students through the Delaware Area Transit Agency.  All you need to do is contact Data Bus at (740) 363 - 3355 to schedule your student's travel training lessons.  Also, below is information about summer youth passes to help your students get from point A to point B over the summer months.  Check out all that DATA Bus has to offer at http://www.ridedata.com/index.html.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Field Trip to Bob Evans

On Thursday, 3/7/2012, the Hayes Transitions class will be taking a field trip to Bob Evans.  Permission slips have been sent home with students and must be returned by Wednesday, 3/6/2012, if students plan to attend.  Also, each student is being asked to bring in $10.00 to purchase brunch during our outing.  

Thursday, February 21, 2013


We are very lucky to have so many wonderful job sites in the Delaware community.  The supervisors at each of our work sites go out of their way to provide our students with hands on learning opportunities to prepare them for employment after graduation.  

Check out our student, Zack, learning how to run the Kaivac in the videos.  Frank, at the Delaware YMCA, is a natural teacher and Zack is learning so much about facility maintenance during his volunteer time at the YMCA!


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hayes HS McDonald's Student of the Month!!!!

Congratulations to our student, Zach Longworth, for being chosen as the Delaware Hayes High School Student of the Month!!  There were many nominations but Zach's hard work, school pride, and positive attitude out-shown all of the competition!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Tortilla Pizza Deliciousness!


Do you need a night off from cooking dinner?  Well, Hayes Transitions has the solution!  Cooking  and doing basic chores at home will help your students practice and master the skills we are learning at school.  

Next time you are at the store, pick up some flour tortillas, pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, and your favorite pizza toppings!  Your student knows how to do the rest!  Today, we learned about Martin Luther King, Jr and how his vision and hard work helped to make our melting pot Delaware community the way it is today.  We also took some time to make tortilla pizzas!  All you need is the ingredients listed above and an oven preheated to 375 degrees.  Bake the tortilla pizzas for 8 - 10 minutes and, VOILA, dinner is done!  
Picture from: www.gretchencooks.com

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Delaware County Transition Fair

The Delaware County Transition Fair will be held at Big Walnut High School on January 30, 2013 from 5:30 -7:30.  Transportation is available from Hayes High School to Big Walnut High School for families wishing to attend.  Please contact Mrs. McCoy or Mrs. Friedrich for more information on transportation.